Healthy Family Please...
My heavens, what a time we have had with the babies being sick.My babies were diagnosed with strep two and a half weeks ago. Daughter? She took the antibiotic and got all better. Son? Well, it's never so easy with our little guy. Starting last Thursday he had pink eye. I went to the doc and while there, doc looked at his eyes. Said they no longer give eye medication for pink eye (which I think is CRAP). Just buy OTC eye drops and it'll clear up on its own. Yeah. RIIIIIGHT.
Saturday night husband had little guy at the Urgent Care Clinic. He was so sick... The Penicillin for the strep apparently was not enough to clear up his subsequent ear infection. He was back to coughing so hard he'd throw up. The UCC doc said he probably coughed in his hands, then rubbed his eyes - eye infection. He was given a stronger antibiotic, ointment for his eyes, a steroid to reduce the inflammation in his airways and help his cough, Tylenol with codeine because his eyes hurt so bad...
He's much better today thank goodness. But, he got on the couch right after lunch and is still sleeping. My little ones have NEVER napped (even when babies), so I know he's not feeling great today to have slept this long. Unfortunately, I have to wake him here in about 15 minutes so we can go get daughter from school. Then I have to get ready to go to a FRG meeting tonight.
The new CO's wife took over, so I was going to get to be a wall flower again. She called this morning though and one of her babies is sick, so I'll be doing tonight's meeting. She's a wonderful lady and I'm happy to help, but I will be glad when this is her show and I'm just along for the ride lol.
Gosh, I'm ready for bed already lol. Come on night night time :).
5 comment(s):
Ok, serious BS call on the Pink Eye. Little Man just got over a double infection and they DO prescribe meds for it.
FIL is an optometrist and gave Little Man the ointment but it wasn't enough so drops were prescribed (FIL didn't have his prescription pad on him, otherwise we would have gone straight to the drops).
I'd go back and kick that doctor in the butt. No reason for your son to be miserable.
- hfs
Fermina Daza, at
February 07, 2006 11:23 PM &nbps;
Yeah, our little guy had it in both eyes. All day we were using a warm rag to remove long green and yellow mucus strings from his eyes. In the morning or middle of the night if he had to go potty, he'd call for us because he couldn't open his eyes after sleeping, so he couldn't see to get out of bed. My poor baby fell out of bed three times in two nights :(.
Husband called over to his medic after I spoke with this genius at the hospital's clinic Friday. The PA there said that using OTC eye drops is the standard practice now...if it doesn't clear up in 5 to 7 days, then they will prescribe something. I think that is idiotic...that way while you wait, everyone in the family can catch it. When the people at the pharmacy saw his eyes Friday, they wiped down the ENTIRE counter when we left...yeah, but docs, don't prescribe anything, it'll just go away. MORONS.
Little guy's left eye - the white part above his iris and to the left is blood red. It looks like he busted blood vessels in there. The UCC doc told husband it would go away in a week or so. I'm not sure if that is from the infection or his cough that was so bad. It sure does worry me though and it looks so horrible. Little guy says it doesn't hurt, so that is good!
Gosh it's just been a time here...I have to keep Prime because of my health problems and what Standard would do to us financially if I had to have an emergency surgery. However, I'm so disgusted with the care son has received, husband and I are really thinking about finding a doc here in our town and just paying for office visits out of our own pockets. I have to go in once a month - but it would be worth it just to have the SAME doctor for years and years, who knows me, my health problems, my family, what is my normal etc. Gosh I'm just so tired of getting a good relationship with a doc and them finally knowing me, my health problems, my family etc. - and then a year to 15 months later having to start all over with someone new because they PCS or get out of the Army....
Ok, should have just made another post lol!! Thanks for the info. I wish your FIL could take a look at little guy's eyes now. The infection is all cleared up thankfully, but it's the blood in his white part that is so scary looking.
Shannon, at
February 08, 2006 9:16 AM &nbps;
We did that when we were in Alabama. I was completely unsatisfied with the docs at Lyster so we found a doc in town to see and paid out of pocket. It was worth it and wasn't all THAT expensive. We kept Prime "just in case" but it was nice to see the doc WE wanted to see.
Little Man had the same issues with his Pink Eye - eyes crusted shut and awful, awful redness that lasted beyond the actual infection. But he never indicated that it hurt which made me feel better about it all.
I hope everyone stays healthy for a bit!
- hfs
Fermina Daza, at
February 10, 2006 10:02 PM &nbps;
The crud is going around here too. I hope every one gets healthy and stays healthy!
Hugs to your little guy!
Gail, at
February 11, 2006 8:59 AM &nbps;
Poor wee man! Sorry to hear he's (and you guys) are having such a rough ride!
Hugs to you all and feel better soon!
Sue, at
February 12, 2006 8:03 PM &nbps;
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