My Kind of Alarm System
When I get online in the morning, Neal Boortz is my first stop.While visiting my father in Atlanta in 2003 during our last PCS, he had the Boortz show on in the car one day. Once we got set up at husband's new duty station, he sent me the link to Boortz's site. I've been a huge fan since.
We used to get his show on the local AM channel, but two years ago they dropped it for some reason. I sent in my complaint, but I guess it swayed no one. I loved getting started on a house project early in the morning and listening to Boortz. I'd get so caught up in the show, I wouldn't notice how much work I was doing ha!
Anyhow, each day Boortz adds a new photo in the Redneck Scrapbook. Some are just so ridiculous, you cannot help but laugh.
This morning, he featured the Redneck Burglar Alarm. Very affordable and sure to deter some criminals. All others, the coroner's office can sort out lol...
3 comment(s):
Speaking of redneck burglar alarm, you might like this version:
Place a large dog food bowl by your front door. Next to it some very large boots. Now tack a note to the door with the following message: "Went to the store for some dog food. Don't go near the Pit Bulls, they ain't been fed yet. Bubba."
Mauser*Girl, at
February 17, 2006 4:31 AM &nbps;
Thanks, that was funny.
I read it to husband and he got a laugh out of it too.
Shannon, at
February 17, 2006 4:47 PM &nbps;
That is great.Alarm systems
sarah lee, at
January 20, 2013 11:53 AM &nbps;
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