Please Keep Them in Your Thoughts...
I finally get online this morning and the first article I see breaks my heart.U.S. extends Iraq tour for 3,500 soldiers
As part of the plan, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld on Thursday extended the tours of some 3,500 members of the 172nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team. The unit, which has been serving in northern Iraq, was scheduled to be leaving now, but instead, most of its 3,900 troops will serve for up to four more months. It was unclear whether the unit would go to Baghdad.
While about 3,500 members of the Stryker brigade were still in Iraq Thursday, about 200 had returned to Alaska and some 200 others were in Kuwait awaiting transportation home.
The Army said officials will determine on a case-by-case basis whether any of those in Alaska or Kuwait need to return to Iraq. It is likely the majority of those in Alaska will be able to stay there, but those who are determined to be essential personnel may have to return to the battlefront.
I just CANNOT imagine the wait your L O N G freaking year and then they extend them four more months. I understand that the needs of the Army come first, but it sure doesn't lessen the pain any of these families will be feeling. The soldiers will be down in the dumps and the families will be in live for a day for a full year and then to have that day not come for four more months, it can be a hard pill to swallow. Knowing they might miss two Christmas seasons in a row...two birthdays, two anniversaries...damn hard no matter how "hooah" these families are.
Personally I'm not "hooah." We do not call home or me "household 6." I had no clue what the hell that meant until husband explained it to me a couple of years ago. All I know is I love my husband and respect how hard his job is and how hard he works to care for everyone he's responsible for. I'm not in the Army though. We like to live far from the military base and just be a regular, every day family when he's home. We have our flag out front...but other than the DoD stickers on our cars and my Army sticker on the back of the Explorer, you'd not know otherwise.
So, my point is (and yep, there is one, I promise), I'm not "hooah" and husband being extended four months would break my heart after he'd already done his year. If he got home and then had to turn around and go back...gosh it would DESTROY our children. My defense mechanism is anger, so I'd be pretty sore at ol' Rummy. There's no reason to extend folks who have done their year...they should have moved people forward two months ago when Baghdad was heating up. They should always have a plan so they aren't destroying morale and breaking families hearts with long extensions...four months is a HELL of a long time when they are in combat.
If you get a chance, please send some prayers out for these soldiers and their families. If you don't believe in prayer, that's ok...send some positive thoughts their way. They are gonna need it.
1 comment(s):
I supported Bush when he decided to take out the Iraqi government. I have done my best to justify it since but I have just about had it with the way the war is being run. I saw this kind of crap drag on for years in Vietnam. We have the best, bar none, military on earth. But the best of the best can't win unless the gotdam politicians will let them win. Right now it is more of a police and peace keeping type of thing with no clear cut objective that I can see except "democracy in the millde east." Please note that democracy means majority rule and is a hell of a lot different than a republic such as we enjoy in the USA. The Shiites have the majority and now by Allah they plan on ruling. I figure it is time to just say the onjective has been accomplished and come home. Just shoot or hang Sadam before we leave and may the best Mullah led militia win. If Iran steps in do some shock and awe on Tehran.
I don't know how your husband feels about it but I suspect that as a carrer soldier he is frustrated even if he can't say anything. I may be still on the retired reserve roles but I figure at 64 years old I can speak my piece. We had our chance to do it right and blew it and not it is too late to correct the mistakes made.
GUYK, at
July 28, 2006 5:42 PM &nbps;
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