President Bush's Speech
I know that by this time tomorrow, the left-wing nuts (both politicians and the media) will be full speed ahead, doing their best to condemn this new plan whether it deserves it or not. Of course, it will have nothing to do with the plan itself or that they have a better plan to ensure victory in Iraq. Their condemnation of the plan will have nothing to do with our national security, our nation's future - or even remotely related to what is in our nation's best interest. Their objections, their ranting and raving will be based on their continuous MAIN objective: political power. Nothing more. Nothing less.Failure in Iraq is what they based their campaigns on in 2004 and 2006. A good plan - a change in strategy in Iraq that could achieve some real progress - well, while good news for our country (not to mention good news for Iraq and the entire middle east) is bad news for these left-wing fucktards. After all, they have 2008 to think about!! Anything positive to happen, well, that could possibly jeopardize their "Iraq is a complete failure" soapbox. They wouldn't be able to use dead Soldiers and Marines as political grenades against Republican rivals if Iraq started to turn around.
It's pretty sad when these left-wing idiots, our own citizens - not to mention elected officials, have themselves positioned where only our defeat in a war will help boost them politically. What's truly disgusting is that their objections mirror Iran and Syria's. Gosh, it must make them proud to sound LIKE OUR ENEMIES...
2 comment(s):
...and you were right, Shannon. (I never doubted.) It continues to beg the question, "Have they no shame?"
Larry, at
January 11, 2007 6:25 PM &nbps;
Yes, it is disgusting. I have become disillusioned with all politicians and am not sure if there are ANY that I can trust anymore. One thing I do know for certain..we cannot win in Iraq..or anywhere for that matter..unless we go on the offensive and kill the bad guys. In Iraq it appears that they ALL are bad guys so I figure the best way to win is shoot everyone not in uniform who has a gun..and some of the mullahs who do not have a gun
GUYK, at
January 17, 2007 6:24 AM &nbps;
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