Cynthia McKinney
I wasn't surprised to see this linked on Drudge last night: Report: McKinney Punches Cop. It's just typical of her arrogant, ignorant and disgusting attitude.How DARE a police officer stop HER. Never mind the fact she wasn't wearing her lapel pin when she bypassed the metal detector. She is just too important and busy to stop the first time he said, "Ma'am, Ma'am" and say, "Yes, sir, I'm Cynthia McKinney, House of Representatives out of GA."
Every Capitol police officer should KNOW who SHE is after her many years in Washington! And, don't you know she is so VERY important, when said arrogant idiot is stopped, she has every right to PUNCH a police officer and have NOTHING happen to her.
GIVE ME a damn break!
If any of us acted in this manner, we'd have been thrown to the floor, a knee on the back of our head, handcuffed and tossed UNDER the jail. A black, race-card throwing nutcase from GA? Hell, I'm sure the police officer will be made to apologize to her before the week is out. It's high time that we stop allowing politicians to be above the law and demand they all be held to the same standards we are. She assaulted a police officer and should be charged accordingly - regardless of how much she whines that it's all because she's black. I don't care if it was a white republican, if they hit a police officer they should be charged.
This isn't the first time she's had a run in with police in our nation's capitol. No, Rep. McKinney has 5th run-in with security.
What in the hell is wrong with GA voters? It must be slim pick'ins in her district to have to scrape the bottom of the barrel over and over and keep sending this nutcase to Washington to represent them.
Further Reading:
Cynthia McKinney, The rep who cries racism.
1 comment(s):
McKinney is a 'Howdy Doody Looking Nimrod'.
Anonymous, at
March 31, 2006 10:34 AM &nbps;
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