First duty is to yourself
Dimitri Vassilaros`s article First duty is to yourself is an excellent look at the idiotic "duty to retreat" laws.Many states have criminal-friendly "duty to retreat" laws. A victim in his house is mandated to retreat from an attacker until he is cornered. Only then is the prey allowed to use lethal force on the predator. Prosecutors in those states have been known to victimize the victim (such as charging him with manslaughter) who prefers to fire back rather than to back off.
Unbelievable to me that these laws even exist.
A hypothetical here. Husband is deployed and two dirtbags learn that there's a lady who lives alone with two children. For some reason they believe we have large stashes of cash in the house (sorry, I know it's laughable, but it's a hypothetical) and decide it's the perfect way to finance their drug habits.
They break into the back door of our home at 2 in the morning. Considering our house is almost 100 years old and creaky, I hear the noise and grab my handgun. In a "duty to retreat" state, I'm suppose to wake my children up and try to HIDE us in OUR OWN HOME while these dirtbags ransack my home looking for nonexistent money?
Guess I'll be going to jail because regardless of the law, I'm not risking the safety of my children or myself. Once they are IN my home, they'll wish they weren't.
I think I might could handle being a victim of a crime coming out of a grocery store or something and having my purse stolen or my car hijacked. In my OWN HOME though? Where would you ever feel safe again? It'll be a cold day in hell before I allow someone to victimize me or my family in OUR HOME regardless of idiotic left wing laws that make the criminals victims regardless of their actions. They might get me - but I'll go out fighting. Not feeling like a damn coward because I HID instead of protecting what is precious to me - my family and the safety of our home.
I can't believe that in America, we've allowed laws like this to be put on the books. I guess it's time I renew my NRA membership since it's been years. Seems they are the only ones who are lobbying states to make sure the criminals don't have more rights than the victims of their crimes.
4 comment(s):
Unfortunately that's the way it works. If you go get your gun and go out toward the burglar, then what you are doing is premeditated.
The way the law looks at it, when someone breaks in, they're not necessarily a threat to your person, just burglars. You cannot use lethal force unless your life is directly threatened.
Therefore, when calling 911 - "I am in my bedroom and I am afraid for my life. I have a firearm." While on phone with police, if the person enters the room, they have now gone across the threshold from being a burglar to being an immediate threat. "I am armed." If they still move, SHOOT them.
If you shoot, always shoot to kill. If not some jackass prosecuter will try to claim that you meant to maliciously maim the person if you say it was not your intent to kill the intruder.
Mauser*Girl, at
March 31, 2006 10:48 PM &nbps;
Fortunately, the Grumpy Unk Command and Control Bunker is located in a state that isn't infected with this sort of nonsense - yet. Just by virtue of being in my home uninvited, I am legally allowed to use deadly force on Zombies.
The Daughter unit was at her boyfriends apartment last week when an intruder, with a mask and a pistol, attemped to enter the unlocked front door. Her boyfriend hit the door with his shoulder after a running start and caught the guys head and gun hand inside, fortunately, pinning it where he couldn't use it. Boyfriend, who's a pretty stout ex-Marine, was pounding on the Zombies face while the Daughter called 911. The perp got away though before the Cops showed up. That's what's wrong, the Cops can't be everywhere.
Time to get the Girl a pistol and an NRA coarse. Her birthday's coming up and that seems like a real good present.
Grumpyunk, at
April 01, 2006 5:06 AM &nbps;
I don't think our state is infected either, but I need to make some calls and be sure.
MG, it just depends on what state you are in as to whether that's true or not. That's the good thing about this legislation in some states, they are also including wording so criminals (and their families) cannot sue if criminals are injured or killed during the commission of a crime.
If you shoot, always shoot to kill.
That's the only way to shoot ;). Growing up, we were always taught never to point our gun at anything we were not prepared to kill. It's just the way it is. Once I'm scared enough for my safety to point my gun, I'm to the point where I believe it's me or them and ME will always be the priority :).
Shannon, at
April 01, 2006 6:40 AM &nbps;
Grumpyunk your state has the right idea for sure! No matter where you are, if you fear for your life, you can defend yourself with deadly force.
I remember when they passed that law not too long ago and all the leftist nuts here in the US and Europe where screaming that it'd be like the wild west. I'd read that European travel agencies were putting up posters to warn their citizens of the dangers of vacationing there. I sure wish we could afford to live there when husband retires...
I'm glad your daughter and her boyfriend are ok. Thank goodness he was able to react so quickly.
That sure sounds like a great birthday present!
Shannon, at
April 01, 2006 11:08 PM &nbps;
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